A vaccine for cancer will be found, so no one will ever have cancer in future.
Everyone who currently has cancer or has had cancer in the past dies.
I will not

MercuryEleven2 years ago
"A small price to pay for salvation"

IMayBeAnAlien3 years ago
Well Technoblade has cancer and NO WAY I'm pressing the button... #TechnoBladeNeverDies

smashdatbutton9 months ago
How do we tell him?
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PurpleSlime3 years ago
Wait, we all have cancer everyday, we just destroy it, SO WE ALL DIE, WAIT A MINUTE

Moinalast year
Just as I planned

Fiefens3 years ago
...I have cancer...

AndyMan11YT2 months ago
Just know that I pray for people like you every day.
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autistic112 years ago
techno never dies

WhatTheFuck10 months ago
Buddy i have some news
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ranboomba2 years ago
techno died 2 months ago so I don't have a reason to not press the button

oldnotweak8 years ago
vaccine means you actually are giving people cancer. thats how a vaccine works

Yeetaleet2 years ago
Yeah. This is to help your body adapt to whatever the vaccine is so your body can easily fight it in the future if you were to contract it.
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fengduoduo5 months ago

skengman3 years ago
It is physically impossible to make a vaccine for cancer, it isn't a pathogen it is cell mutations that divide uncontrollably

Indie5 months ago
People who's sign is cancer:What? No!

KITTEN9993 years ago
Technoblade Dies?!

WhatTheFuck10 months ago
Yeah he did
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KICWTYININ23 hours ago
They will die one day anyway

Corabuttonzlast year
This is a toughie

T._Lost_is_a_good_boi6 months ago
“#TechnoBladeNeverDies” moment

Zero_lemberouge2 years ago
The hardest decision requires the strongest will

creeper_cody082 years ago

WhatTheFuck10 months ago
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