You gain the ability to have perfectly accurate, controllable (save the fact that you must make at least one a day, or be faced with the worst pain imaginable by the most twisted mind in all of creation) predictions of the future
No one you try to warn will believe you until it is too late, and you are not strong enough to change the future on your own
I will not

Couchsessel8 years ago
This dilemma doesn't make any sense. Imagine I see somebody getting hit in a car accident at a specific time and place. As a result I decide to park my car right in the middle of the street five minutes earlier. How would that not change the future?

bluebean4 years ago
There is a saying that no matter what you do in the past, you can't change the future.
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blc_abc8 years ago
You didn't predict i'd press no did you? Thats what i thought bitch.

Gogetalambourghini8 years ago
So i am a shinigami that does weird realistic dreams with tatoos? (Anime fans will get it)

CamBam12256 years ago
Death note is da best .
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Babes7 years ago
Well I guess I'm Sapphire now.

Pink-flower-girl7 years ago
I was way too lazy to read that so no.

theboy_17388 years ago

LynnSy7 years ago
Just lie

rocketiermaster6 years ago
You can use it to know exactly who is going to win in the Superbowl or any other sports gambling thing. Predict it, no one will believe what you predict, the odds will be "against you", and you make a ton of money when you win

Anonymously judging8 years ago
I pressed no then thought of how you could give the appearance of not giving a shit.

I push your button!8 years ago
Worst button ever

ThePaulDude7 years ago
If you try to save someone & they don't believe you then, SCREW THEM! It"s their own fault for not listening to you in the first place.

WBGrock7 years ago
Can still win the lottery. Every day... for a month....

dedirake2 years ago
Crypto currency here i come!!!

Lzke6 years ago
If I can control what I predict and it"s accurate I can control the future. I literally couldn't care less if anyone believes me, as this makes me fucking omnipotent...

Deathpoop7 years ago
Lenny face (°¿°)

Ninjapuff2207 years ago
Ok that didn't make sense at all so I just pressed the button

RGPZ6 years ago
I Just Did This Why Am I Back Here???

CyborgOswald7 years ago
Basically the plot of that one anime i can't remember

DottySpot7 years ago
I don't want my best friend to die while I watch him hopelessly!!!!

jshaw717 years ago
I couldn't live with that, but I would sacrifice enough to save that person so I can save others...

Im-about-7-years-late2 years ago
Well at least i know if i die that day- and if it involves something i did guess ill be fine and ignore it

Soaku7 years ago

KingNight98906 years ago
What if I predict one for myself?

UndeadBoss686 years ago
I would so I can predict what the Powerball numbers will be and get rich :)

clixxyz7 years ago
*Predicts my death* Kills myself before it happens

tierbot30 days ago

Jacksepticeye_12127 years ago
If I would die I would probably just stay home and do nothing that will cause inevitable death

SacredCosmicSun8 years ago

Drosky236 years ago
The joy of life is the surprises.

buttonpressorno7 years ago
On your OWN!!! Others could help you!

SkFt3 years ago
Just use reverse psychology

Stropey8 years ago
All of the non-existant female characters will exist because of some portal that some idiot made. Boom, done. Tomorrow, I predict that they'll assume that I'm a great guy to hang out with. THEN THE NEXT DAY... they'll be incredibly horny and kinky. Deal wi...[Show full comment]

Mike90906 years ago
This makes no sense

Deathpoop7 years ago
Who watch pink sheep more like pink shit

PressOrNotToPress8 years ago
two downsides and one upside. why did i press this button?

OscarZhang6 years ago
That is more of a curse if you can’t change it

TheGuyThatIsNamedMats7 years ago

FelipeGames20007 years ago
So... what"s the point (despite the fact that I could know what will happen)?

Meme-man3 years ago
This one is for the biggest of brain so I just pressed I will not

belle296 years ago
free abilities

Deathpoop7 years ago
They r ugly button or butt i like to bite butt so they die>:o muhahahahahhahamuhahahahmuhahahhaha

Cheli7 years ago
I kind of like finding out things, not knowing everything already.

England sucks8 years ago
I don't feel like trying to understand this so I'm gonna press no

Raccoonking116 years ago
This implies that they think opposite so go here at 600 dosen't go can't die
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