you get everything you've ever wanted
it will be 1 month before your death
I will not

235x06 days ago
Some of the things i have wanted in the past includes 1: Inter universe teleportation, 2: Reincarnation, 3: Pearl manipulation, 4: Data pearl manipulation, 5: (UTY) the wild revolver and F pellets, 6: Shape-shifting, 7: The US(o)A to be destroyed/reformed...[Show full comment]

coolerdogpond12last month
i already have everything i've ever wanted. i own nitnedo switch :)

shabiasi7 days ago
Fuck You, motherfucker. You don't have a penis or testicles

hayntheegg6 months ago
if i get everything i've ever wanted then technically i could circumvent my own death

cavesandklyphslast year
so i still die at the same time

Hyltran3 years ago
There’s no reason not to press the button.

Boops-boops3 years ago
what if you want extra 50 healthy years added when only a week of your life is remaining

chicamanama2 years ago
i would die anyway so

shabiasi7 days ago
Fuck You, motherfucker. You don't have a penis or testicles

Dmitri_the_bush-dweller2 years ago
i will sacrifice myself for gta 6 to come out

Babbidy2 years ago
ill just give my self an immortality machine

AlphaAblikim6 months ago
I wanted to live forever lol. People really needs to think more carefully while creating these sh*t dilemmas

TheLoopHoler2 months ago
Anything? Change the rules of the button too remove the downside

TheSwaggestGoose2 years ago
i want to not die unless i want to, easy fix

Rean-samaIKneel2 months ago
What if I want to live?

RandomUser13465 months ago
wait wasn't there already one like this?

makexinshiwotui5 months ago
If it's just a concept, it's all possible 如果这只是一个概念,那都是可能的

Nigga14 months ago

Obi-Wan2 years ago
it didn´t say that you get it now and then die after 1 month you will get id ideally at the age of like 90 or something

Joeyjojoshabobo29 days ago
Win win

shabiasi7 days ago
Fuck You, motherfucker. You don't have a penis or testicles
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