22644 (44%) 28327 (56%)
22644 (44%) people have pressed this button, while 28327 (56%) did not.
All Nuclear weapons are disarmed.
Nuclear power is the only source of energy for the world and there is a nuclear power plant within five miles of every city.

Vert9998 years ago
The upside is a downside and the downside is an upside

Loophole man8 years ago
You are correct. Sometimes, nuclear weapons are necessary, and nuclear power will put a stop to the world ending from pollution

ScalyWeasel7 years ago
49% don't know how safe and reliable nuclear power actually is.

urimegaconnor7 years ago
no downside.

coolbat9047 years ago
This actually creates more danger, because anyone could drop a regular bomb on the nuclear power plant and createn a nuclear explosion

Bgoerz055 years ago
Actually, nuclear plants are built so that doesn't happen.

bezvous8 years ago
Only thing that can go wrong in nuclear power plants is human factor. Like in Chernobil and if that happens it will start chain reaction and whole world will blow.

P77 years ago
Y U NO GIBE A DAM DOWNSIDE. Yea "dam", like percy jackson dam

Jay-the-Argonian8 years ago
Basically the world of fallout without bombs?

DragonEXE6 years ago

RowanDavis6 years ago
I already live near one.

TheMultimention7 years ago
No! I want my explosions!!!! 😭

Alex Merezas11 years ago
how is there even a downside to this, nuclear power plants are much safer than coal-powered ones.

Hyltran3 years ago
To say that it could “blow up” is like saying we should not have airplanes ✈️ because of the Hindenburg disaster.
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BobbyMcslobby7 years ago
My dog fartes

IsHARI8 years ago
no downside

That_One_Weird_Wolf4 years ago
anybody hear about the "walking ghost phase"? its where all the chromosomes in your body die, and you cant make any more. so your body slowly becomes a corpse. if a nuclear power plant were to blow up, this could happen. so, my conclusion is, HELL NO.

Acespeed8 years ago
there is other ways to make power

Malcolmxt6 years ago
Insta yes nuclear reactors evidence wise is the least dangourus of the coal and other types of reactors. Also nuclear reactors dont explode so they wont set each other off. Also canada would be rich after this since we have the largest uranium mine in the ...[Show full comment]

Natanm17 years ago
World peace a good power source why the fucking hell nit

Hyltran3 years ago
If we want to stop 🛑 global warning we haw no other reasonable option then to haw a small nuclear ☢️ power plant close to every significant city.

Hamistagan7 years ago
just hope to god terrorist dont target the small town i live in

SemiIsback6 years ago
Yesss no NK then,.....

ssuper slade8 years ago
if you pushed the button gg world

9u4ck3rs3 years ago
The only reason that no country has fired it"s nuclear weapons is because everyone else would fire their weapons and basically end/ destroy the world

C7_Aerospace6 years ago
fission or fusion?

OscarZhang6 years ago
Hope it is fusion, much safer. Although over all nuclear power plants are still one of the safest forms of power in the world
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Benjamin Istaqa11 years ago

push?8 years ago
WHY!!! put in your ipinion

lewis04282 years ago
Simply use higher technology to stop meltdowns. No more air pollution. WIN-WIN.

Migdin17 years ago
If a nuclear power plant explodes, it would make an Nuculear explision, and that is in a way a Nuculear weapon, so they cant harm you

Lzke6 years ago
Only that a nuclear bomb ironically doesn't have as much harmful radiation and fallout as a nuclear reactor exploding. So yea...

Lzke6 years ago
How exaclty do you disarm weapons? I mean it"s not like a nuke is carryong a fucking shotgun on its back (whereever that may be)

Transgender8 years ago
That would kill every city on earth. Just imagine terrorist blowing them up or creating NEW nuclear weapons

Lioth3 months ago
So long as a third party runs each of the plants, this is fine.

Flab bag morris8 years ago

MaikHD20043 years ago
Nuclear power in what form? Fusion or split?

Freaky208 years ago
So... Fallout?

#Rekt8 years ago
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KoseiPL2 years ago
Mfs not clicking: i dOnt WaNT SEcOnd cHErNoBYL

UnitZulu-5 years ago
I feel at that point trying to upkeep the plants to not leak radiation would start being very expsensive and dangerous

BristolBrick8 years ago
That would make the fucking sun disappear.

Lzke6 years ago
How on earth did you reach that conclusion?
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Umbrella3 years ago
most nuclear power plants now use thorium a much safer element and it even works better than uranium there are lots of videos on the internet about this topic and I ain't no expert but I know that nuclear power is much safer than driving a car.

ofpgrimm1028 years ago
this is the world all ready so yeah

Lzke6 years ago
Austria is a lot bigger than 5 miles yet we only have one nuclear reactor that never started operating. What"s your point exactly?

BebeRocks6 years ago
I"ve seen how this one went in fallout

Steeler247 years ago
We need nuclear weapons

Lzke6 years ago
For what? To blast ourselves into oblivion?

T._Lost_is_a_good_boi8 months ago
Let’s ignore all laws of nuclear physics for a moment and assume that bombing a reactor is equivalent to said reactor going into a Chernobyl-esque meltdown. Bombing any city’s power plant(s) makes that (section of said) city practically unlivable for decad...[Show full comment]

SceptileandMew4 years ago
@theaceace you might not have read it but all nuclear disasters are caused but nuclear weapons F A C T S

IchibanKasuga2 months ago
Bryce I will defeat you!

imavirginnn3 years ago

midnightiscool958 years ago

BugTypeEevee6 years ago
It said nuclear weapons were disarmed not nuclear power.

EVILDE5TROYER7 years ago
But wind and solar power are much better for the atmosphere and are less likely to explode

OscarZhang6 years ago
They are unpredictable and nobody can control the weather so nuclear is better for the power grid

adihan6 months ago
I laughed at him for two and a half years! If you want to participate in nuclear war, press it as much as you like!!

BoCo3657 years ago
I"d rather not have another Chernobyl

ChristianSmith7 years ago
To Alex Merezas, search up Chernobyl

SexyPandaSoldier7 years ago
Terrible. Everyone would suffer radiation damage and a chernobyl would be a weekly thing with that number of reactors besides we"d run out of nuclear fuel really really quickly and no nuclear deterrent to stop wars... Stupid

Lzke6 years ago
To be fair. Chernobyl was a fault on the Government, not the technology. But still if a nuclear reactor explodes. Well you"re fucked
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