53234 (46%) 61308 (54%)
53234 (46%) people have pressed this button, while 61308 (54%) did not.
You will have powers that are only limited to your imagination.
Everyone you have ever seen or known is wiped from existence and can not be returned with your new powers.

Dom Wilsher11 years ago
infinite power = power to overturn buttons rules = power to bring them back

DextersLaboratory4EVER118 days ago
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MDarkKing16546 years ago
Create new people that are very similar but not becisarly them

Hisu9 years ago
No problem. I want life exterminated anyway, and then I can just recreate it as I want it.

Ramanuta7 years ago
I just create a new universe, where everyone still is alive. Loophole activatet

Bantersaurus7 years ago
Oh GREAT i"ve been wanting to get this song out of my head for years

Kevin Drewett11 years ago
1: create a second universe where you did not push the button 2: give yourself the ability to time walk between the 2 realityies 3: While in the new world, you can only witness, and your paralell self acts EXACTLY as you would have if you had not pressed...[Show full comment]

VALBY5 years ago
This is slowly becoming Mirai Nikki
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newwillyoupressthebutton8 years ago
My fellow commentators, who I've never had the honor to see or know personally... I have pressed the button and therefore have lost a lot of people due to the downside. However, the terms do not state that I can't outsource the ability to bring back the pe...[Show full comment]

BIG-DONG7 years ago
Good Shit
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TheMadHatter8 years ago
limited by amagination not button rules so bring them back

Smearypatch 8 years ago
Your power is limited to your imagination! Jesus quit contradicting yourselves!

Finnbro6 years ago
I can fucking imagine anything

CandyGem7298 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

Starslinger7 years ago
Fail spam
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Donderpants9 years ago
I'll use these powers to make it so that all downsides, past, present, and future, don't work. So I get powers, and nothing bad happens (technically not returning them, since they were never away!)

Donderpants9 years ago
I'll use these powers to make it so that all downsides, past, present, and future, don't work. So I get powers, and nothing bad happens (technically not returning them, since they were never away!)

mrperson4209 years ago
Can't I just play God and recreate the world as I knew it, bending it to my will?

Josh Chaletzos11 years ago
make duplicates of them since they aren't technically them it bypasses the rules you can do this by making them slightly different to how they were before i.e. they have one less hair follicle oh shit. mind = blown

RGPZ6 years ago
This comment may be offensive. Press to show.
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Zach Bauer11 years ago
Fuck everyone. POWERS.

Gossgoss7 years ago
Uh, have you known and/or seen everyone on Earth, PyxieDuzt? If so, then yeah you'll be alone. But you probably will never meet even 1% of the population in your lifetime, so losing a few thousand people is no big deal. Especially since you can use your...[Show full comment]
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SoulHunter_kunal6 years ago
Go back in time with your powers change the sentence and press the button

Scott Oakes11 years ago
Limited to your imagination? Wrong wording. You mean limited BY your imagination. Anyone who presses this gets powers limited to being inside their own head. Good job.

Merricat778 years ago
Wow, no need to be hostile PyxieDuzt

Gibson8 years ago
555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. Now close you eyes...[Show full comment]

Denominator7657 years ago
It said my powers are only limited to my imagination, not the button"s rules. Downside invalid.

Cheshire shadow8 years ago
means i can finally break the barrier to the multiverse.

Kelvingtsfan2 years ago
Imagine having the power to remove the downside of this button

apoisonedkilljoy7 years ago
Would consider overturning button rules -> would do it -> the ones I like come back

beautymaster8 years ago
I will not wipe my fav band out of existance

TheArkerportian6 years ago
I cant bring them back, but near identical copies. Or copies lacking their sides I dont like.

Daiemio9 years ago
These two are conflicting, "powers are only limited by your IMAGINATION" yet "You can never return them" that sounds like a break in the contract.

Duck King8 years ago
Use your powers to allow your powers to bring them back to life

ayannfaraz6 years ago

ButtonDerp8 years ago
I feel like such a dick for pressing the button. XD

Cjisthebest6 years ago
I didn't mean to press the button

audree17898 years ago
thats bad

albgarfit_jr2 years ago
I can create new people with my new powers, probably better people and live in a perfect world

pressmedont1238 years ago
I'm a god i can create newer better versions of people

pippa meadow8 years ago
Reverse the rules of the last line if button and I get friends,unicorns,and talking wolves

LukeyDukayNZbutton4 years ago
Damn it. I"d have any power I want but my favourite youtubers will disappear. Everything good has a consequence. I'll just sadly skip.

Nikolas G8 years ago

ElloThereNormies6 years ago

greaterfiend9 years ago
If they're wiped from existence, that would mean so are our memories. If they didn't exist then there's no problem.

finnkid18 years ago
Go to space, make a full loop around the entire planet, then press the button. FUCK HUMANITY

Loopiloop8 years ago
They are only limited by your imagination but they can't be returned. Not possible

The_Kriz8 years ago
overpower button rules

Zacattac8 years ago
make people that look and act almost exactly like them LOOPHOLES FTW

WhiteHatHacker6 years ago
hi b0b, we don't need bob, we have new b0b and hes way cooler now!

Carl-Michael Hammond11 years ago
All those people you have ever seen and known could be brought back and made of different atoms.

IuXito2 years ago
If they dissappear, I can bring the version of them from my imagination to reality

billybob8 years ago
Parallel universe

lexi-the-homosexual-dragonborn7 years ago
The power to go back in time and change what the button says

JovanPopovic7 years ago

audree17898 years ago
where is the downside

Merricat778 years ago
On the right

kumagawa_misogi27 years ago
all fictioooooooon yeah and fuck everyone

OfficiallyGoodenough8 years ago
I can imagine the downside being nullified, so I still win.
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