44191 (52%) 41523 (48%)
44191 (52%) people have pressed this button, while 41523 (48%) did not.
Everyday, a random amount of money is added to your bank account, ranging from $.01 to $100.
In order to gain the money, you must vomit twice, every day. You can choose when you vomit, but you cannot choose how hard it will be. It will never be life threatening, but at its worst, you'll vomit for two and a half minutes straight. Your teeth and esophagus won't be damaged, and you can choose not to vomit at all on a given day.

Dark_XD_FR2 months ago
Getting paid to vomit, seriously?

PerDaDer8 years ago
So I get money and I get to be skinny sign me up...

thelittlecactus2 years ago
it isnt healthy to be skinny
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Creeperface1308 years ago
"you can choose not to vomit at all on any given day" cool, then I choose not today, not tomorrow, then the day after that, then... y'know.

TinaLucialast year
But then you won't get the money
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LeoOlkaida 8 years ago
So, I get money and don't have to change my routine at all. What a delight.

dedirake2 years ago
vomiting is your routine??

Icode17 years ago
100$ not enough

Ulee253210 months ago
Dang thepauldude I know it"s the internet and all but calm down
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ReeRee8 years ago
That sounds like a really good deal. So basically, you get to choose when to vomit for money and it won't have negative health effects. There is literally no down side except "have to vomit". Also, who is this weirdo paying you for that...I'd be...concerned.

That_One_Weird_Wolf4 years ago
I would also be concerned. But we will never know..

BobDobbs8 years ago
I know my luck with random numbers. I'd vomit for a couple minutes each time and gain a penny or two. No, thanks.

MikaelBritschgi6 years ago
So basically every time I have a need for money, I'll just vomit twice in a row.

DiamondCreeper6 years ago

shipqueen286 years ago
screw you i dont have a bank account

ThePaulDude3 years ago
I take it your homeless then.

TheLoopHoleFinder6 years ago
Just vomit when you go to the toilet. Heck yeah

Zer0billion7 years ago
So it"s free money with the downside being completely optional? Why not?

lollypop37 years ago
How many people clicked the button I can't be bothered to read what it does

Razi1916 years ago
Tldr you gain every day monet between a cent to 1000 but you have to vomit twice every day for it but you can choose not to vomit and not get the money

lollypop37 years ago
I love creepers

Katarina Dume11 years ago
As a person with emetophobia... HELL. NO.

That_One_Weird_Wolf4 years ago
I have a bit of emetophobia, but its mostly the fear of that feeling in your stomach when your about to throw up. I'm with you as far as the HELL NO part ^^
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Eric Rafael Mora11 years ago
There's really no downside, since you can opt out of gaining the money for a day, and thus the vomiting with it.

Reese Lovell11 years ago
Another way of getting out of school, and more steam games

Christian Jarmin11 years ago
Why only 50% there's literally no downside to this one no matter what way you look at it. I mean unless you really hate the idea of vomiting that much.

The_game6 years ago
it doesnt say the food you throw up doesnt re-appear so your body could still suffer from a lack of nutrients this was my thought but i doubt this is why everyone else said no

Leon Naumann11 years ago
This Button is just awesome hahahaha i would press it xD

DogeEmojiYT7 years ago
100 Dollars isn't worth it.

MasterVelyk7 years ago
Every day

ccee6338 years ago
I like vomiting.

Mayt136 years ago
You gotta be a broke ass mf for this to sound like a good trade

Graham Cracker10 years ago
What the hell?

Ratee6 months ago
I feel like this was written by a person with vomiting fetish (if that is a thing. It probably is)

James Kerslake11 years ago
Ranging from $0.1 -$100? Not worth it

TrickyUmbreonSML8 years ago
PFFFFFF TEENZ DO IT ALL THE TIEM TO BE WEIRD, SU- actually let me rethink my lief as im about to vomit 2 times right now *vomits*

Nibbletz657 years ago
I meant to hit the button :(

Xmaster86218 years ago
Someone spent a long time on this one. Bravo.

ThePaulDude3 years ago
It"s one way to lose weight without having to diet.

lovey8269 years ago
eh, ive puked for longer than that, i actually might rn

Haylee1896 years ago
Im already the skinniest person and what the eff eww

davidgilliland389 years ago

MasterVelyk7 years ago
I'll choose to vomit on the last day of my life...

TheLogicalHusky6 years ago
No thanks.

Crucificator7 years ago
At the last you can choose not to...then lets do it!!!

triggeredfloof3 days ago
take. you can do so many jokes with just the vometing part

feralcharles8 years ago

Jess_Cyan8 years ago
only $100 tho??? thats so bad

andreithepotatoman2 years ago
I will threaten people "Give me your money" "or what" "*belch*"

the Undead Psycho 8 years ago
Eat ice cream before you vomit it won't stop the vomiting but it will get rid of that burning feeling

ProphetofRegret5 years ago
Vommiting feels pretty good so... Hell yeah

I love Bewbs9 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

Ifredward7 years ago
Looks like I'm paying for lunch -_-

simoneisme217 years ago
well, if you vomit too much it could kill you due to lack of nutrition as you are literally throwing away everything you ate.

A6_V8Pym8 years ago
Wait, how do I know I'm not vomiting money out?!

GammaPlayZNorskGaming6 years ago
It’s just less of a positive

oldnotweak9 years ago
if you dont barf you obviously dont get the money ... idiots

PickleJake5 months ago
I geuss I will do it. I already barfed more than twice today!!! Wheres my money button?!?!!!

ProStudios8 years ago
It didn't say how many given days... so I can just choose every day :P

Jared Loussier11 years ago
2 words math class

FattyTheFat8 years ago
100 to .01 is not enough
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