5665 (39%) 9032 (61%)
5665 (39%) people have pressed this button, while 9032 (61%) did not.
You get any job you wanted
You never quit, get fired, or transferred, so if their is anything you don't like about it...oh well. You also don't get sick days or vacation.

235x02 months ago
my job is exploring the multi-verse

Maharid6 months ago
Trust me, the job i want have no one of this problems.

ChildEater4203 years ago
The job I want is to get payed doing nothing

Oldnotweak...againlast month
too bad if you ever want to do something
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GalaxyBrainLoopholes2 years ago
I could just... not go to work... like, what are they gonna do? fire me? oh wait, they can't lmao sucks to be them, they have to pay me anyways

krtz2 years ago
The job is everytime I blink I get 20K

Oldnotweak...againlast month
enjoy never being able to stop blinking... would this effect sleep? would it require you to blink your eyes open all night?

Chikumbro2 years ago
Any job? So i can get a blowjob, right?

Taker_of_Hells3 years ago
The job is to do what I want with a 20 figure salary per day

Genesis662 years ago
What tf are sick days?

PrinceEKC3 months ago
It would get boring

heatfromfire2 years ago
every time i breathe for a second i get 50 thousand dollars

Duckhunterlast year
immagin bei President and you can't get fired

Pantom3 years ago
So a can kill all Criminals

legenday_loop-man2 years ago
The job I want is to get paid to do nothing but go about life how I normally do also to be a manga artist so there are no sick days or breaks just relaxing after making a book

loong-13 days ago
My job is to be God

Amelie-SophieK2 years ago
I just wanna work for the scp foundation qwq

John_Fortnite_13 months ago
I'm John Fortnite

John_Fortnite_13 months ago
I'm John Fortnite
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