17615 (44%) 22697 (56%)
17615 (44%) people have pressed this button, while 22697 (56%) did not.
You have the ability to read minds
you don't have the ability to read

I am batman8 years ago
I will read a mind that can teach people how ☺

StarWarsOG7113 years ago
Not having the ability to read means you can’t learn to read either. It’s like a disability.
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PlayingWithPistols8 years ago

Judeisanicenamethatmynamefromnowon7 years ago
Same. Nope, not pressing that button because you would not be able to read and fanfics are my life along with anime and those two things you need to be able to read for.

ShadowShaper7 years ago

Drawesomethewizard7 years ago

KlRlTO7 years ago
I will read someones mind wihle they are reading, looophole

batman4123 years ago
i wanna play will you press the button not will you find the loophole

Lostman7 years ago
Saves me from school work

Chitown227 years ago
Read the mind of the person reading

ReactingCourtney7 years ago
how the heck can i read minds if i cant read??? confusion slapped me

Annoynomous8 years ago
Just learn how to read

JjButtonBoi6 years ago
This is stupid they said you can "READ" minds yet you can't "READ"

flamingcat8 years ago
read the mind of someone who can read so i can learn from them

Pulaski1barbie7 years ago
I can learn to read later.

Drawesomethewizard7 years ago
Didn't think of that....

FinalGamer06286 years ago
Just read your BFF’s mind who is reading what you want to read

Maxisgek6 years ago
But then i cant read this app :0

Fazerw8 years ago
Of course I would push

ChrisJ7 years ago
i wont have the ability to read but i can still learn though

DJ Lionheart 8 years ago
learn from others

Cylland8 years ago
Read the mind of somemone ho can read XD

TheFandomlover63 years ago
Where the Fuc k is the upside?

Chronos24677 years ago

dankmemes1017 years ago
Reading minds means listening to their thoughts

Lucenda2546 years ago

Pig7 years ago
How about I eat someone mind that know how to read

the last raposa8 years ago
If you cant read then you cant read minds

Mrskyline6 years ago
Well then i cant read ppls minds

ProfessorCyborg8 years ago
If I can read minds then I cans read dumassss i cn red now an ii caaan reed rlli well yu red on fiith grady levl dmbss

Drawesomethewizard7 years ago

Fabulousmidori8 years ago
Then how do I read minds if I can't read..

Fabreeze 178 years ago
That's what I was thinking

RGPZ6 years ago
Now I Can Tell My Mom To Buy Me Audible

WaterFlame926 years ago
Audio book

Reality8 years ago
Simply. LEARN HOW.

chercrew6 years ago
I"d rather die

Snowfrost9188 years ago
40-60% of thoughts are involuntary. This means that alot of thoughts that you read will be useless.

B.C.8 years ago
Not the ability, the capability

SpeedStriker3 years ago
.-. so you just lose the ability to read and dont gain anything, i aint doin dat

EthanJJ136 years ago
Force someone to read the books you want to read and read their mind

MadAsAHatter7 years ago
So, Chaos Walking?

WantedLimited8 years ago
Nobody likes to read. Plus the people that are reading you can read their minds and you can read from them

TrevorTheDominator6 years ago
Girl: am I pretty? Boy: no Girl: do you even want to be with me forever?rnBoy: nornGirl: do you even like me?rnBoy: nornGirl: would you cry if I walked awayrnBoy: nornShe"d heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyesrnThe boy grabbe...[Show full comment]

JinnyHoneycutt7 years ago
I hate reading soooooo

PizzaQueen8 years ago
Pizzascripters 6 months ago | Likes: 7 Read this or your crush will hate you forever and in 10 days when you turn off your lights to go to bed you will be killed by mutated zombie in your sleep If you do this, tomorrow you will get a kiss from your cru...[Show full comment]

dankmemes1017 years ago
Hi. My name is 0rder0f0ctopus. I"d like to spread a message about something I have encountered more frequent than ever. Spam messages. These mostly tell a story or find the 2 or some other shenanigans, then make you paste into a certain amount of comments....[Show full comment]

gag8 years ago
i am not reading anyway B)

RosalinaX4328 years ago
then how did you read the dilemma?

Pottsork6 years ago
Reading minds is awful and of you cant control it youll go nuts

mishaltahir8 years ago
I will learn how

TammyRuebel6 years ago
I could just have a person read stuff to me

lifehacker4206 years ago
Always have someone near you who knows how to read. Then when they read it, you can read their minds.

Snowfrost9188 years ago
40-60% of thoughts are involuntary. This means that alot of thoughts that you read will be useless.

CaydenHoward7 years ago
Being unable to read is fine! ... or is it (Screw reading this stuff tho)

psychopathCrazy8 years ago
I will read the mind of the smartest people in my class to cheat.

KDKDragon6 years ago
Well your not actually reading their minds your just hearing what they think

ShelbyC6 years ago
1. Listen to the book instead of read, or 2. Learn to read. Nothing will keep me from fanfic or books

PizzaQueen8 years ago
I love books
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