You have the ability to stop time for exactly one consecutive hour per day.
You age faster 10 times faster during that time.
I will not

jake1da1snake 8 years ago
Stop time for an hour? I don't think time works the way you think it does. If time were ever stopped, one hour would not be able to pass; in fact, no time could pass because time has stopped. Therefore, if time were stopped for any set amount of time, that...[Show full comment]

KingGrass12 months ago
I think what they mean is an hour relative to you, not all the people who are stopped. If the time id relative to the people who are stopped an hour would never pass, true. But relative to you it would.
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Adrian Wood11 years ago
So, you age 10x faster. Except you've stopped time. So while everyone else ages not-at-all, you'd age 10x not-at-all. Fine by me!

Doglover34 years ago
Ya I guess
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Hi_World6 years ago
Why just why

hydr0king6 years ago
So you only age 9 hours more than you usually Do? Why not?

LionJayandDove7 years ago
This is my new favorite website

Norwegian union8 years ago
i love living to die is a Nightmare!

Sharky L9 years ago

Dalysbusch7 years ago
bless your sweet soul

Jeremy Benden11 years ago
ok so you age 10 hours when you do this, no big deal. plus you dont have to do this if you dont want to, but it would be great in emergencies

Richard Overton11 years ago
Does the person who made this know what consecutive means?

oldnotweak8 years ago
he meant you had to use the entire hour of time stopping at a time. and only once per day

Stewart Robson11 years ago
so you age 10 hours each time what's the problem?

mazmaz8 years ago
10+10+10+10 ect you will die faster, and you would use it all the time, at least I know I would..

bobman8 years ago

DarkShadowsX59 years ago
Technically speaking you cant stop time for an hour. time is frozen at that nanosecond. therefore time isn't moving and the aging effect is nullified. If you however slow down time instead the 10x aging effect could/would occur and would still be 10 hours off your live no matter the rate of speed.

GamerAndTheSans6 years ago
THX! FUCK U STOP USING FAST 10X FASTER> IT WILL MAKE ME FUKING OLD. LIKE (Infinty Age) (S tttttttttttttttttt ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooP)

Alex11 years ago
That would fuck over my calculative OCD regarding age..

Vegetto87017 years ago
10 times 0 is still 0, no downside

Mellowheart8 years ago
Um wat? Logic

Dalysbusch7 years ago

QueenOfPigs8 years ago
It might be useful.

NSCCYTlast month
Imagine not remembering that you have a time limit

Sarril8 years ago
Interesting... Why not to press btw if there is not cost if You don't use it... and when You does - better have good plan/puropse for that

piratesamurai5 years ago
wait how do i age times 10 if i stop time

AmazingSuperDan 8 years ago
If you freeze time you won't be able to unfreeze time because time is Frozen! So time will have stopped forever!!!

Jbiller12346 years ago
Ok you age 10 hours instead of one that doesn’t really make a difference

oldnotweak8 years ago
so i stop time and rig a bunch of shit in my favor and only lose ten hours of my life for the price? no big deal. i could rob a bank and put that money in ANOTHER BANK! just to fuck with them. totally worth it

AcousticJamm8 years ago
Ageing 10x none minutes and yet time will forget how long an hour is. You will be frozen in time for infinity.

Migsilver7 years ago
10 X 0=0. Here i come button

malvichibi8 years ago

FogChamp2 years ago
The potential to do shit like steal shit or take down terrorists or kill politicians or fuck with documents or visit area 51 is worth it. Plus, imagine what the world would think if they found out. You could be responsible for some very important scientifi...[Show full comment]

Xenolan7 years ago
Having the ability doesn't mean using it constantly. If used even once to get out of a certain-death situation (say, an impending auto wreck), then it"s already "paid for itself".

Spellpunkie8 years ago
... so 10 hours more? Oh, no! What will I do?

tydickson9 years ago
Ty Dickson

Loopholez2356 years ago
10 × 0 = 0

Fire_and_Ice_MD8 years ago
Not worth it.

Chance Finch11 years ago
Would rather go back in time and fix mistakes

ChipUpMate7 years ago
Why would anyone do this?

schizoid16 days ago
Really, that's not bad. You'll only age about 10 hours each time you do it. Also, if it's only one hour per day (and you don't have to use it daily) then there's not really a downside. Easy way to commit totally legal activities such as robbing a bank and getting away with it. I'd press the button.


RainbowRider8 years ago
Bruh man, Whatever. Bruh

AlashionCook8 years ago
Just in case y'know?

Conjurment4 years ago
If I was dio it wouldn't matter cause he is immortal and a vampire

KoolAidDolan10 years ago
Become an 80 year old within an hour.

Toodles8 years ago
I can always only use my superpower in case of emergency, and getting older 10x faster than an hour I would look 10hours older instead of just one hour older so it doesn't change that much

TheodoreMiller7 years ago
I"d save it for emergencies; it"s an ability, not a requirement to use it.

FateSmith8 years ago
You have a choice to use this for the hour so yeah

Shaun DeCuir11 years ago
Not much of a difference

LBP2fan108 years ago
grammer check

hole902last year
It’s said you can stop it not that you can move around and that you can restart time again

MeIoetta7 years ago
You can't age because time isn't coming so 0 * 10 = 0

CosmosQuest6 years ago
But...time doesn't go...

GameRaven138 years ago
So, basically I stop time and get to do what I want for however long it'd take to count one second for the equivalent of an hour. Yet in that time span, my body ages the equivalent of 10 hours? There are 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year. That means...[Show full comment]
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