you can see girls' generation whenever you want
They all love me and hate you
I will not

Snookie32last year
Whoever made this question is greedy af.

TurnedIntoaDragon8 years ago
Help me I turned myself into a dragon and can't turn myself back!

StrudelCutie44274 years ago
@HamburgerGuy I will take up the mantle of Internet Dragon Slayer!
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Lonely Pizza 8 years ago
I love senpai yes I do! He's for me and not for you!

a_sociopath2 years ago
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jkmc12057 years ago
Wait, this is all a ploy to get girls to like you, isn't it!

bran8 years ago
They love me me but hate him get rekt

Trailman056 years ago

Nevin JaffaCakes Mullen11 years ago
Wait, I'm confused. Translation please?

ThePaulDudelast year
It"s a scenario dylans NOT a question, which is why there isn't a question mark at the end of the scenario.
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Danhowell6 years ago
Fight me
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yehetitan12888 years ago

10yearoldgirl8 years ago
Wtf plz read the last part of my isername

Ahmad Iksi11 years ago
Who is "me" ?

Kazu8 years ago
You #loopholes

TestingGamex8 years ago
So the girls love "me"? THATS THE OPPOSITE

yourfavouritebaguette6 years ago
whats girls generation

WhiteLotusGod6 years ago
Exactly my question

TimelessSakura7 years ago
I do not know what is Girl"s Generation so... No thanks.

Zer0billion7 years ago
Well right now they don't even know me so what would I care of they start hating me?

Dragonfall888 years ago
Who's girls generation?

JackelineP988 years ago
So, they love me and hate you? who's "me" and who's "you"? c.c

Alison Gomien11 years ago
/who told you this was okay/

kittenkisser7 years ago
Wait.. so girls gen loves a app? How does THAT work?

HunterFleck6 years ago

Glennator7 years ago
Roast: Heh, even if I clicked you could not ever be loved!

olvvvvlo8 years ago
I don't have any idea about what are you talking about.

autocar668 years ago
Whos me??? (Is the case of the dillema not in like myself)

Nickanater8 years ago
What does a girls generation look likr

Pademelon6 years ago
For this, I pose a very simple question. Who are you?

XTheMan9 years ago
wat i dont understand

dankmemes1017 years ago
"girl"s generation?" What?

poseidon.rjk8 years ago
What is girls' generation

AssHar7 years ago

Dj Super Nintendo 8 years ago
You piece of shit

MUIGokuMUI6 years ago
This is pretty hard

HomuraAkemi8 years ago
I'm already a girl iditot

WhiteHatHacker6 years ago
no, they need to love I!

Natquestions7 years ago
What is this madness?

DarkSlayer10977 years ago

sonicj018 years ago
what is this?

brandyn_19938 years ago
Dumb as shit. Howd this even get accepted?

Dat x Troll8 years ago
Mmm. Cant wait to see them girls generations.

Mara Grace Leigh Feight11 years ago

Derplez7 years ago
It means genitalia

Kababi8 years ago
I will never give up Seohyun for convenience!

TeamKobus27 years ago
Translation pls?

Kopp6 years ago
I'm more confused about seeing "girls" generation"

TeamKobus27 years ago
This is why I don't do drugs. I don't want to be retarted like the maker of this question

idkshouldi6 years ago
huh? I am “me” right?

MoonWolf Luna8 years ago
Hahahahha lol

oniongaming8 years ago
wait what. all I could understand is that he is saying that if we could see a girls generation(whatever that is) and then he would get all the girls and leave us men as virgins.

Meduckie9 years ago
Do you mean Genitals? If so, you are perverted. NO

PolarBeast7 years ago
Well we got an option you say they won't love me not that they won't have sex with me win win

IWantCake5 years ago
Can I have some cake

ThePaulDudelast year
No, Markiplier took it all after destroying Detroit.

SovietRussia7 years ago
Was this written by me
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