23526 (38%) 37756 (62%)
23526 (38%) people have pressed this button, while 37756 (62%) did not.
You become filthy rich
All jews and black people die

pokemien2 months ago
it solves 2 problems. overpopulation and my sadness

onglibengming3 months ago

CCthecat8 years ago
NOT HAPPENING. Anyone who presses the button for the downside, is RACIST, RACIST, A MOTHERF***ING RACIST!

KC_Lovax3 months ago
Then I’m racist and anti racist because I donate a third of my money to UNICEF but pressed the button
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danandphil298 years ago
if somebody pushes the button imma slap the shit outta them

Gypsecrusader2 years ago
Try slap me bitch
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March hare8 years ago
What is the point of becoming rich if I die?

Lonely Pizza 5 years ago
It"s a good suicide button
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Redustries7 years ago
So I become filthy rich... and I die?

99cake8 years ago

Seraphi-Johmer3 years ago
Hamistagan Good.
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Frostyboi5 years ago
17113 people pressed this button, I'm disgusted with humanity

cookieyoona8 years ago
Who the f*** did press the button?

LOLLoopholes6 years ago
Die heil
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SoullessPuppet7 years ago
It said "die" not "die right now". Everyone dies at some point (old age, accidents,...), but at least I can guarantee my wealth in the future (not sure when, since again, no "right now").

ButtonMaster5562 years ago

at least more then 50% are nice and the others are just stupid lame evil human beings

TheMightyTOG7 years ago
Donald Trump prrssed this button.

The_realduo5 months ago
He hosted the first blm

ArtemisHunter87 years ago
What if you"re a jew or black?

SlurpDurp7 years ago
......Fuck this website.

bl4h3 years ago
So essentially, the 13% that is responsible for 52% of the crime in America is wiped out, I can make jokes about Jews without being shat on for being AnTi-SeMeTiC and I become filthy fucking rich. I see this as an absolute win, the rest of yall that didn't...[Show full comment]

SPACEJUMPER 90008 years ago
I killed 99 people who pressed the button.

2ndstoneage6 years ago
I'm still alive bitch

Snowfrost9188 years ago
So I would be Hitler, except worse, because I'm not insane, and I'm doing it for money, not for my insane beliefs, PLUS black people. So Hitler's (even worse) twin.

tsundereking8 years ago
Fuck you racist

CaydenIsHere8 years ago
YOU NEXT-GENERATION HITLER FUCKS I'm sorry but its just fucked up

2ndstoneage6 years ago
Go back to your safe space

Hello17 years ago
People are so racist it hurts. White men have and always will think that they are the best.The civil war and Martin Luther King Jr. meant nothing to you filthy fucking bastards. and for people asking where the downside is should go kill themselves right n...[Show full comment]

Thisisfun3 years ago
I am a white Christian but am 1000000000% with you.
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LordSkrulloftheSapphireDragons6 years ago
so, would i die? cause im a jew

BrightLies6 years ago
Yes. Basically

Robimanex3 years ago
well boys we did it rasism is no more

SeemsLegit6 years ago
I am triggered at the amount of people who pressed the button.

DarkOverlord27 years ago
One of my best friends is black (I am white), and I am not Hitler, so I refuse

Taneli147 years ago
If u press it imma gonna murder ur face

Exotic-Butters7 years ago
Whoever pushed this button automatically Hitler.

Awesome Ness 8 years ago
Holy shit 3552 have pressed this button I mean what the f**k! Is wrong with these people ok it looks like we have a whole bunch of Hitlers....wait nope not Hitler worse than f**king hitler!

JaxonCooper7 years ago
Its called comedy, dont be so butthurt

Tman61528 years ago
So you're hitler?

AieslwZ7 years ago
I don't want to die

Panifex7 years ago
13104 people are complete fucktards

Ider7 years ago
Holy fuck how are half of the People here racist assholes?

teo7008 years ago
Why the fk u press the button...(I'm not even black)

Maddie Yeomans11 years ago
i am disgusted at how many people pushed this button.... it isn't worth people hating me.

Acunlast year
Yeah dont need to hate black people
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Legeric7 years ago
Why ys jews never get love? Or blacks or Australians?

SewerRatt7 years ago

Nerdyboi7 years ago
Whoever pushes this becomes Hitler.

HeilKEK7 years ago
Hitler did nothing wrong

DemonicAngelAlia7 years ago
Screw money, I'm not pressing the button. Who would press the button?

PandaisQued6 years ago
15136 people need to go to hell.

ismartromangamer6 years ago
I'm black so... no.

ChunkyRaguYT7 years ago
That would mean I would kill half of the people in my school and my mom"s entire family. I would not kill them for any amount of money

HOMBREIAN987 years ago
No downside

PandaisQued6 years ago
Fuck you. Go die. It"s!
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TreyHumphrey6 years ago
I'm black, so I automatically cannot press the button because the above wouldn't apply if I die.

tinajbee6 years ago
Why tho? why make this button?

hoovile6 years ago

Fleecy6 years ago
You filthy 45%

Sleepy cereal8 years ago
Jesus Christ. The number of people who pressed the button is actually making me sad

AyyyLOL7 years ago
Ikr lol... reality is cruel...

tsundereking8 years ago
4297 peple pressed the button what!!!!???

PlatinumAgent898 years ago
I am disgusted bye people who pressed it

Johnytoucan7 years ago
I pressed it so hard that my fucking great grand kids will wave broken fingers

Minato-Yamasaki6 years ago
Who came with this question? Hitler and Donald Trump?

dragonbornkiller9096 years ago
You must not know much about Trump

SPACEJUMPER 90008 years ago
37% of people hate Jesus.

Allie543217 years ago
Johnytoucan Jesus was a jew
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bahia90006 years ago

Nelson13984 years ago
They are white racist fucks.

Cheth7 years ago
Fuck the 47 percent that pushed the button
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