2582 (17%) 12293 (83%)
2582 (17%) people have pressed this button, while 12293 (83%) did not.
Your internet connection has the fastest download and upload speeds known to man.
You lose connection for 30 minutes every hour.

235x02 months ago
cool so my internet connection is faster then the speed of light

Maharid5 months ago
Is better a decnt stable line that a superfast line that work only half the time.

Downside.4 months ago
e v e r y w h e r e .

LuoFei5 months ago
Here's the question: Did the loss of connection last for 30 minutes or was it intermittent all the time?

Legday2 years ago
make multiple connections where u can switch in a millisecound

AceFurryTrash2 years ago
I was thinking the same thing I can rig this with a laptop and my phone. This is like wizard vs lawyers

DannyDimes2 years ago
Honestly I could use a 30 minute break every hour, would very much improve my life

CooledItLongAgo2 years ago
just download stuff

Zombietorax2 months ago
yeah just connect to a diffrent internet in the mean time

greaterfiend3 years ago
Whats the point?

Dannybionic2 years ago
That is my internet connection in a nutshell but with a small speed upgrade

Soupslop432 months ago
UJmmmmm..... why would anyone ever oress tsis!?!??!? GUCCI White Bee New Ace Sneakers Blanco!?!??!?!??!?

Voidflame3 years ago
I only play Undertale and Terraria anyway I don't need internet lol
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